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Aneros Maximus Male G-Spot Stimulator White


SKU: ANE04 Categories: , Tag:

True to its name, the Maximus is the largest prostate stimulator of our Next-Gen line. Similar in shape to the MGX and SGX, the Maximus is intended for those looking for a fuller experience. It provides greater pressure throughout the rectum and is a little more difficult to insert due to its size. Although it is difficult to say exactly which model is best for any given individual, we would recommend this only for more experienced users who are seeking greater pressure. Made in USA

Specifications: 1 1/16 inches diameter at tip, circ. = 3.34 inches,  1 1/8 inch diameter at mid-ridge, circ. = 3.53 inches, 1 3/4 inches from main body to perineum pressure point.

Weight 0.21000 lbs